Top 10 Animals found in Nepalese Himalayas

- 08-Mar-2021
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Nepal, the country of the Himalayas located in South Asia between two large nations; India in the east, west, and south, and China in the North, occupying an area of 147,181 square kilometers. An approximate length from east to west is only 885 kilometers. The average width is only 193 kilometers which lie between coordinates about 28°N and 85°E and fall in the temperate zone north of the Tropic of Cancer. The country is divided into three main geographical regions viz. Himalayan, Hilly, and Terai. The lowest point lies in the Kechanakawal, Jhapa, which is 59m above sea level, and the highest point is Mt. Everest which is 8,848m asl.
Various species of flora and fauna are found according to the region in Nepal. Diverse province of grasslands, temperate forests, ice-clad foothills, and a dizzying selection of animals- the Himalayan Mountains offer the world’s most beautiful landscapes and shelter some of the rarest wild animals, reptiles, and birds. In addition, it is the longest and the highest mountain range that gives home to many endangered species.
Although being the highest mountain section on the planet, it offers a favorable environment for the astounding diversity of life. As we walk above 4000 meters, the sea level reaches the alpine section of Nepal, mostly covered with ice almost every time of the year. In the lower region, one can find the trees of rhododendron, juniper, and scrub and woody vegetation till 4200m. Above it, there is available only tundra-like connotation of petite grasses, sedge mosses, and alpine florae where there is some soil.
In the earlier timespan, the wild Yak and giant Tibetan sheep could also be keen-sighted in the Himalayan region almost everywhere; however, a few may still survive in areas such as Dolpa and Humla. The birdlife at Lammergeyer, snowcock, snow partridge, choughs, and bunting, with redstarts and scoops often seen along the torrents and creeks. Yaks are the only livestock, which thrives at high altitudes. They serve both back and draught animals. The most common animals that can be found in the Himalayan region are described in this article.
10. Snow Leopard
One of the core attractions of the Himalayan wildlife, the snow leopard, is known for its astonishing appearance and infuriated tactic towards its target. Remarkable with gorgeous white and yellowish skin, thick fur, and spots of black and brown, this big cat is enlisted among the endangered animals, the habitat of which is not easily accessible these days.
This large cat adores rough, steep landscapes with stony outcrops and canyons to hide, which prefers to hunt smaller animals around. However, as only 3000-7000 snow leopards are left in the wild, you need to be patient to get the sight of this introverted animal.
9. Himalayan Blue Sheep
Another Himalayan creature, the Himalayan Blue Sheep, is found in the high mountains of Nepal, Pakistan, and India. Locally, Naur in Nepal prefers to live in the rocky hills and resides at an elevation of 4000-6000m above sea level. Hence, they get a short, dense coat that comes in greyish color with a blue shade which lets them hide against the Himalayan rocks. While facing a menace as of marauders like snow leopard, this animal remains motionless to blend with the rocky surroundings, which becomes difficult for the predator to spot them.
Himalayan blue sheep march in the herd of 10 or more in a single group. They admire grazing in the wide meadows where an abundance of grass is available. Although they are core grazers, they feed in herbs and shrubs when the grass is unavailable.
8. Himalayan Yak
A cow-type animal that relatively has long hair and is massively built with a drooping head is called Yak, mostly found 3000 to 5000 m above sea level. It is rare to find wild yaks these days in spite; you find the domestic ones that are used for multiple purposes.
It is one of the major means of transportation where vehicles are unavailable; the milk is used to make different bakery items from cheese to more. They use for meat and fibers as well. They are also one of the favorites of tourists who often enjoy Yak safari in the hilly regions of the Himalayas. Don’t miss the cold desert ride on this massively built animal.
7. Musk Deer
Musk deer, Himalayan wildlife are shy, timid, crepuscular, and nocturnal and forest dwellers and are threatened in their montage range primarily due to poaching and the illegal trade in musk pod, which is used to manufacture perfumes and traditional medicines.
Musk deer reside mostly in hilly and forested surroundings and feed only in leaves, flowers, and grasses. Therefore, the Musk Deer is a highly poached animal, and it will be a difficult trek for you to locate this aromatic creature as it likes to stay far from human residence.
The Himalaya Musk Deer belongs to the family of Moschidae. Therefore, it is crucial to have strict conservation strategies and management actions like anti-poaching and habitat management. Therefore, for drawing target species-specific conservation strategy, our original aim was to understand latrine use behavior and the habitat ecology of musk deer in the Neshyang valley, Manang, Annapurna Conservation Area (ACA) high Himalaya of Nepal.
6. Himalayan Black Bear
Found in Nepal's high land protected areas like the Langtang National Park, Kanchenjunga Conservation Area, Shivapuri National Park, Shey Phoksundo National Park, Sagarmatha National Park, and other, Himalayan Black Bear is popular as Asiatic Black Bear as well.
Normally, an adult Himalayan black bear has a body length between 54 to 65 inches and weighs up to 120 kg, containing a dark coat and pale yellow crescent in the chest. However, due to deforestation and hunting, the population of Himalayan black bears has decreased dramatically. Due to inadequate research, the precise number of the Bear population cannot be estimated.
The Himalayan mountain bears are productive climbers. They burn through the vast majority of the daytime on tree limbs. They likewise fabricated homes in the trees by collapsing the branches. The Himalayan wild bears spent the mid-year season in high districts, at the height of 10000-12000 feet.
In any case, in the appearance of winter, they plummet to the lower level of their natural surroundings. The Himalayan wild bears sleep all through the colder time of year. So that, before the appearance of winter, they eat food with high-fat substances to add additional layers of fat to their body. The Himalayan wild bears are omnivorous creatures. They feed on little creatures, nectar, nuts, and roots.
5. Red Panda
Red Panda, a small but magnificent creature, has reddish-brown fur, a long, shaggy tail, and a waddling gait due to its shorter front legs; it is roughly the size of a domestic cat though with a longer body. With the body of a cat and the head of a Panda, these endangered Himalayan species are smaller and better known as the red fox.
This small arboreal mammal is an inhabitant of the eastern Himalayas. Unlike other mountain animals, it likes to live in temperate climates amidst deciduous and coniferous forests that feed on several things as fruit, acorns, roots, eggs, birds, and insects. It is a solitary animal, mainly active from dusk to dawn, and is largely sedentary during the day. It is also called the lesser panda, the red bear-cat, and the red cat-bear.
The population of Red Pandas is under the threat of disappearance owing to habitat loss, poaching, and fragmentation. However, visitors can spot bamboo or hollow trees. So, the next time you are part of the Himalayan Jungle expedition, try to locate them on bamboo trees.
4. Himalayan Monal Pheasant
A stunning colorful bird of the pheasant family- the Himalayan Monal / Impeyan Pheasant (Lophophorus impedance) is a gorgeous colorful national bird of Nepal. Himalayan Monal / Impeyan Pheasant (Lophophorus impedance). The male Himalayan monal is known for its striking plumage of different metallic colors, including blue, green, purple, and red.
Popular as ‘nine colored bird’ because of its stunningly colorful plumage. The metallic green crest is another noticeable feature of the male monal. They also have a reddish-brown neck, bluish-black wings, and a purple back. The species is reported to be polygamous; males can be seen with more than one female. During mating season, the male monal uses their calls and body display, such as bobbling the crest and fanning of tails to attract the female bird.
Widely found in the Himalayan sections of Nepal, it can be spotted from Kanchenjunga to the east to Darchula to the west of Nepal. The conservation areas of Nepal and the Himalayan National Parks of Nepal have preserved them well. Trekking in the Himalayan foothills, especially in the high mountainous slopes at the height of 6880 to 14800 feet above sea level, you can spot them.
3. Himalayan Tahr
Himalayan Tahr is a relative of the wild goat having a deep copper-brown coat; males have a coarse, tangled mane over the neck, chest, and shoulders local to Himalayan scopes of Northern India, Nepal, and Southern Tibet. The male Himalayan Tahr has a pointed backward horn and can reach up to 46 cm, but in females, the horns are shorter and are not that pointed backward as the males do.
They have a long, dim earthy colored upper coat with a thick undercoat. It keeps their body stay warm in the chilly climate. In spring, their jacket gets more slender and lighter in shading. Accordingly, the Himalayan Tahr can consummately manage the internal heat level during the whole season.
The hooves are another incredible component of the Himalayan Tahr. The hooves have smooth, rubbery centers that give superb hold. So the Himalayan Tahrs can undoubtedly stroll across the lofty mountainsides.
The Himalayan Tahr grows up 4-5.5 ft tall and 40-85 kg in weight. The horns of females are more modest than male Tahrs. The guys utilize their solid horns to battle with one another to get the female. They walk in a herd of 20-26 Tahrs. On detecting the dangers, they run rapidly along the lofty mountainsides. Their eating routine essentially incorporates grass, spices, and bushes.
2. Wild Boar
The medium-sized mammals, wild boar, are mostly found in the hilly sections and lower parts of the Himalayan regions of Asia, Northwest Africa, and Europe. An adult wild boar has a length between 4-6.5 feet and weighs up to 200 kg. The thick coat of wild boars comes in different colors, including brown, black, grey, or red.
Wild boar is shy in nature and tries to avoid being seen. Further, their nocturnal nature makes their sight extremely rare during the day. The most noticeable feature of a wild boar is a pair of tusks on the lower lip. The tusks of male wild boars are longer than the females.
From November to January, the male wild boars fight each other using their tusks to get the female during mating season. They spend around 10-12 hours sleeping during the daytime and only come out at night to find food. Wild boars are omnivorous, and they feed on berries, nuts, roots, insects, and carrion.
1. Himalayan Marmot
Found in the Himalayan regions of India, Nepal, and Pakistan, Marmot is one of the highest elevation-dwelling mammals in the world found especially between timberline and snowline, at elevations of 3,500 to 5,200 m. Temperatures in these areas typically range from 8°C to 12°C, which is habitual of living in dry alpine meadows with little rainfall.
Himalayan marmots occur primarily in dry, open habitats, including alpine meadows, grasslands, and deserts. Much of their habitat falls within the Northwestern Himalayan alpine shrub and meadows ecoregion. Vegetation in this ecoregion is dominated by stunted evergreen shrubs and birch-dominated forest patches. At higher elevations, this shrub-dominated community shifts to open alpine meadows.
Closely related to the woodchuck, the Hoary marmot, and the Yellow-bellied marmot. Himalayan marmots have a dark chocolate-brown coat with contrasting yellow patches on their face and chest. It is classified as Least Concerned under the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
They are herbivores in nature and prefer flowering plants such as leaves, roots, tubers, seeds, grains, nuts, and fruits. So, these are some of the amazing animals that the massive cold mountains of the Great Himalayan range embrace! Yes, I know the list is quite exciting, and it has driven you completely but wait, the best time to visit the Himalayas is from March to June and September to November.