+977-9851254035 (Indira)

Indira Bhatta

Director of Sales / Trip Planner

Indira can be described as a dreamer, travel savvy, confident, and quick decision-maker. To be in the tourism industry was her dream since she was a teenager. While chasing the dream, she had few fluctuations in her career. She first became a teacher, worked as a medical transcriptionist, and entered the tourism industry finally in 2009 as a trip planner and Sales Director in a renowned trekking agency. In 2014 she founded Icicles Adventure together with the team of trekking guides, tour guides, travel planners, and IT team.

Although Indira is also a tour guide, her main responsibility at Icicles Adventure is to lead the company itself.  She handles sales and correspondence affairs of Icicles Adventure. Besides the standard itineraries, her team custom-make Himalayan trekking programs for travelers around the globe according to their budget, requirements, and interests.

Beyond business, Indira and her team are very motivated to empower women and protect the vulnerable environment.

Associated and certified